January 7, 2013

A tale of two Paleo chicken recipes: Monday's Crockpot experiment

Mondays are Crock-pot days. I wish everyday was Crock-pot day to be honest. At any rate, I was delighted to find that I had all the ingredients for Practical Paleo's "lemon & artichoke chicken" on hand. Local, marinated artichokes we purchased at an organic farmer's market in Motta. (*In case you didn't know, we live on the island of Sicily...on a military base.) Capers, courtesy of the Commissary (don't judge). Lemon, garlic, butter, onion, all set! 

My dilemma? As you can see, a Crock-pot is not pictured in the recipe. "Be bold and courageous," I heard in my head. A great time to recall Scripture to memory, right? So, into the Crock-pot went the frozen chicken thighs, followed by all the other ingredients on top. 

My final dose of courage came from this similar yet different recipe from the Civilized Caveman. I figured since I'd successfully tried his recipe before, it wouldn't turn out too different. Chicken is chicken is chicken. 

Oh friend. Please try this at home! It cooked on low for about 4 hours and, despite my horrid photography skills, was dee-lish-us. The contrast of lemon to caper to artichoke was glorious for the taste buds. Even our 13-month-old chowed it down! Ah, success is sweet when it happens in the kitchen.

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