January 13, 2013

Meatloaf: why can't it just look like a burger?

Meatloaf is a go-to meal in our house for a variety of reasons.

  • 1. It's fast (stove or Crock-pot).
  • 2. It can take on many different flavors and ingredients. (It cannot, however, take on many shapes.)
  • 3. It's easy to Paleo-fy!

I know lots of you out there adore burgers but despise meatloaf. Other than its odd appearance (meat literally in a loaf shape, I know), meatloaf, to me, is basically like eating a burger sans the bun.

Think it through. Ground meat? Check. Selected herbs and spices? Check. Egg? Check. A couple veggies sneaked in there? Check. Don't judge the loaf! Love the loaf!

I made this recipe for Ava and me tonight since Nathan's on a business trip. *Note I halved the recipe and baked it the oven for 35-40 minutes at 350 degrees.

Is there a way to make meatloaf pretty? Not so sure, but it was yummy!
We added a side of baked nuked sweet potatoes and steamed peas (Ava's favorite).

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