January 27, 2013

Teething and turkey pumpkin burgers

Ava woke up at 4:30 a.m. today. This has been the longest day of my life. Seriously. Longest. Day. Ever. She didn't want to nap but did want to get lots of snuggles (this part, I love, love, love). What I don't love, however, is trying to get normal nap-time things accomplished with a little "bwee-bwee-bwee" as my background music followed by crying because my hands are full of raw meat and I can't pick her up. I strongly dislike hate the teething process.

I digress. This is supposed to be about our paleo-ish life. We were supposed to have dinner at some friends' house tonight but didn't think it wise after they day we've all had here!

So, because my eyelids are near needing toothpicks to stay open right now, and I quickly had to dream up some dinner, there are no pictures of my own cooking process in this post. Um, you'll soon notice that if you have not already.

In the fridge I found ground turkey, some leftover pumpkin and did a quick search on some of my favorite paleo cooking sites to see if I could create something edible. Thank you, yet again, Civilized Caveman, for saving dinner at our house! Here we go pumpkin sliders with honey drizzle. I found that he also has sweet potato noodles but I find that I currently don't have enough energy to spend that much time with a potato! Some other time.

Maybe we'll throw in some steamed broccoli on the side or green beans. (Something to counteract the frozen Christmas cookies we had while Ava was not sleeping upstairs earlier. Yeah, confession there. We emotionally, tiredly ate those little cutouts of joy!)

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